tavern of memories
Investigate, studying each side of the valley, zone by zone, villages, hamlets, families with the goal of recovering the recipes that define the gastronomic identity of Lunigiana.
There is an important connection between the activity of enjoying our meals and the location where the food is produced. This connection is just as important to the meals served to our guests as well as for ourselves.
For the cooperative as well as our community, we will attempt to focus on a gastronomy based on the products of local farmers operating within Lunigiana, and preferably the most local ones. These farms are still identical to those that have always produced the chestnut flour, the olive oil, the honey, vegetables, cheeses and meat that characterise the culinary culture of Lunigiana.
We are proud of our traditions, and in order to share them with our guests, we plan to offer courses and events to hightlight the special nature of the gastronomy of Torrano and Lunigiana. If you become one of those charmed by our meals, we will be happy to share our recipes with you of the dishes that have been prepared here for centuries! Although the methods of preparing some of these, for example the cooking in the huge closed cast iron "testi" may not be available in most kitchens of the world.
For all of this to happen, it is necessary for the Cooperative to have a kitchen which satisfies all modern sanitary regulations. As the result of our crowdfunding efforts during autumn of 2020, we raised funds, which were matched by an award from the Banca Etica (Ethical Bank) we have been able to upgrade our kitchen facilities. We have also opened a connection between the kitchen area and the Tavern, which is currently under major restoration work. Therefore although our kitchen will be functioning, and will be able to provide service for outside seating this summer, the interior facilities of the Tavern of Memories will not be open during 2021 (unless a miracle occurs).
The photo below shows our old facility used in connection with the village and ARCI festivals and events until 2020.
We use local produce (Slow Food / km 0) to realise dishes from the local family trandition of the area.
We aim to offer meals and products made from the produce of our area and that vary according to the seasons.
Our main restaurant is currently still under a complete renovation process. However, there are plans for our kitchen to be open during the summer for outside dining, and our bar next door will also be available for our guests
Ai sensi della L. 124/2017, si dichiara che nell'anno 2021 la soc. coop. Torrano Domani ha ricevuto nell'anno 2021, da Regione Toscana, un'erogazione di euro 25.000,00 quale quota parte di un contributo assegnato con decreto n. 9426 del 19/06/2020 in attuazione dell'avviso per la concessione di contributi a cooperative di comunità costituite o da costituire indetto con decreto 21.486/2019.
Ai sensi della L. 124/2017, si dichiara che nell'anno 2022 la coop. di comunità Torrano Domani ha ricevuto da Regione Toscana, per il tramite di Sviluppo Toscana S.p.A., un'erogazione di euro 15.000,00 quale quota parte del contributo assegnato con decreto n. 9426 del 19/06/2020 in attuazione del bando per la concessione di contributi a cooperative di comunità costituite o da costituire indetto con decreto 21486 del 14/12/2019
Operazione realizzata col co-finanziamento della Regione Toscana a valere sui fondi POR CreO FESR 2014-2020 Azione 3.1.1 a4 - 4080 del 01/03/2022
di cui all’art.11 bis Lr 73/2005 - Progetto “Torrano Domani 2022”