Shortly, (as soon as bureaucracy allows), the last bit of refitting our kitchen will be finished, as we were allowed to do with the funds for our crowdfunding campaign last autumn. Also the work of stabilising and restoring of our future restaurant, and our stone house "casoni" in the chestnut forest are going forward to the degree possible due to covid restrictions.
It is certain that we won't be able to initiate a full program of activities this summer, however we don't want to miss the summer holiday time with some activities external to the building. We therefore hope to offer a program of cultural and artistic activities, even if of a limited number, with 3 evenings of theater and 3 concerts. Anyone interested in supporting our artistic and cultural programs can look here: (in Italian) for information regarding our ongoing crowdfunding.
One day will be dedicated to our member Olivo and his experiences as an immigrant in Uruguay, including presentation of a biographical book, conference on the Uruguayan experience and a theatrical reading from the book. Other events will be announced in the future.
We had the first dinner using the new kitchen on Sunday. A seafood dinner on a balmy summer evening, as you can see in the photos below!
A wonderful weekend of dancing to the music of the Pollino, with all of us making fools of ourselves trying to dance to the Tarantelle on Saturday night in the street outside our new kitchen. On Sunday, we moved the party to the Casoni where we had a gigantic berbeque and more music!
Ai sensi della L. 124/2017, si dichiara che nell'anno 2021 la soc. coop. Torrano Domani ha ricevuto nell'anno 2021, da Regione Toscana, un'erogazione di euro 25.000,00 quale quota parte di un contributo assegnato con decreto n. 9426 del 19/06/2020 in attuazione dell'avviso per la concessione di contributi a cooperative di comunità costituite o da costituire indetto con decreto 21.486/2019.
Ai sensi della L. 124/2017, si dichiara che nell'anno 2022 la coop. di comunità Torrano Domani ha ricevuto da Regione Toscana, per il tramite di Sviluppo Toscana S.p.A., un'erogazione di euro 15.000,00 quale quota parte del contributo assegnato con decreto n. 9426 del 19/06/2020 in attuazione del bando per la concessione di contributi a cooperative di comunità costituite o da costituire indetto con decreto 21486 del 14/12/2019
Operazione realizzata col co-finanziamento della Regione Toscana a valere sui fondi POR CreO FESR 2014-2020 Azione 3.1.1 a4 - 4080 del 01/03/2022
di cui all’art.11 bis Lr 73/2005 - Progetto “Torrano Domani 2022”